Executive Cabinet

vice president:
adrian henry

Email: sgavicepresident@psu.edu

Adrian Henry is the Vice President of the Student Government Association for the academic year 2022-2023, at Penn State Abington. He is a current sophomore, majoring in Political Science with a minor in Economics. Adrian intends to tackle different social issues that the student body faces on campus. In addition, he looks forward to working with the President and the SGA cohort to bring more visibility to the student body, as well as improving on/off campus life.

Vorith tadjibaev

Email: sgatreasurer@psu.edu

Vorith Tadjibaev is the Treasurer of the Student Government Association at Penn State Abington. He is a current freshman, majoring in Marketing and Managing. Through the treasurer position, Vorith hopes to bring more funding and endorsement of Penn State Abington Student Organization and Club events. He encourages students and organizations to do more events on campus to create a better community and environment for all to enjoy.

Kyleigh Byers

Email: sgaabington@psu.edu

Kyleigh Byers is the Secretary of the Student Government Association at Penn State Abington. Kyleigh is a current junior and Psychology major. She hopes to do work within this administration in the present and future. She encourages fostering a safe and well-connected community with fellow students, peers, and staff.